Association of Art & Science Rome, ITALY

1st International AAS Congress, Rome. 

Emergent properties - from the emergence of the universe and universal laws, to life and consciousness.

Held on the 12th June 99, Sala delle Culture, Via S.Crisogono 45 (Trestevere) Rome, Italy


 Some subjects of interest focusing on emergent properties that our members presented included:

Universal Laws -

Mathematics -

 Emergent Properties and holistic-relational epistemologies – Dr Leone Montagnini


Mind-body relationship – Dr Kamran Mesbahi

 Altered states of consciousness – Dr Ashraf Virmani

Emotion -

Creativity -

The objective of this meeting was to reexamine the various accepted points of view and dogmas but from a different perspective i.e. try to link the artistic to scientific and vice-versa.

So if you have any article, abstract or poster that you would like to present in the next meeting please send it to the AAS e-mail or address.

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