Better World Society


  2. Russia On Autopilot, Muslim Genocide Continues

  3. Russians may use vacuum bombs and chemical weapons

  4. Cheaply flows the blood of Muslims


Freedom and Independence for All Enslaved Nations!


The Red Army wiped the village of Pervomayskaya off the face of the earth


by Eric Margolis - 22 Dec 95

One of the worst crimes of our time continues in the Caucasus mountains - while the world turns its eyes away.

While China is rightly condemned worldwide for its brutal repression of Tibet, and jailing of dissidents, Russia's savagery in Chechenya is utterly ignored.

A year ago this month, the Russian Army invaded the tiny mountain republic to crush the attempt by the 1.2 million, mainly Muslim, Chechens to regain their independence after a century and a half of savage Russian colonial rule.

At the time, Russian Defense Pavel Grachev boasted he would `liquidate' the uprising in a few days. What could a few thousand irregular Chechen fighters do against 50,000 Russian troops, backed by armor, artillery, helicopter gunships and aircraft? Hadn't the rebellious Caucasian mountaineers learned their lesson when Stalin deported 80% of all Chechens to Siberian concentration camps in 1944?

Evidently not. Showing all their legendary courage, ferocity, and tenacity, lightly armed Chechen fighters stopped the Russian Army, troops of the Interior Ministry, and KGB units, in their tracks. Proclaiming a Jihad, or holy war, the Chechen mujihadin defeated Russian tanks and armored fighting vehicles in the streets of the capitol, Grozny, with only Molotov cocktails and hand-held RPG anti- tank rockets.

While the western world celebrated Christmas,1994, Russian forces used heavy artillery, massed rocket batteries, and carpet bombing, to grind Grozny and any Chechen village that resisted, to rubble. Over the past year, at least 45,000 Chechens, mainly civilians, have been killed by the Russians. Moscow admits to losing 2,300 soldiers; the true figure is likely above 6,000. Human rights groups accuse the Russians of widespread torture, mass executions, reprisals, and collective punishment in Chechnya.

This week, Chechen mujihadin launched fierce attacks on their Russian occupiers aimed at disrupted phony elections staged by Moscow to install a Chechen puppet communist regime, led by Quisling named Zavgayev. Chechen still strongly support their elected president, Gen. Dzhokar Dudayev, who leads the national resistance from the nation's wild southern mountains.

Dudayev ousted the communist regime in 1991 in a freeÔ the decomposing Soviet Union. Though other republics, like Ukraine, Uzbekistan or Lithuania, successfully quit the USSR, not a single nation recognized free Chechenya. It was too remote, too unimportant.

Russia was determined to hold on to Chechnya: it controls important oil pipeline running from Azerbaijan. Freedom for Chechenya could break Moscow's hold on the entire strategic Caucasus region. The KGB tried three times to assassinate Gen. Dudayev. When these attempts failed, KGB mounted a covert invasion of Chechenya in summer, 1994, using regular Russian troops masquerading as Chechen. The Russians were humiliatingly routed. Yeltsin's `Bay of Pigs' cost US $650 million - some of it supplied by western aid donors. Six months later, Moscow openly invaded Chechenya.

Chechens are used to Russian invasions. Tsarist Russia first began conquering the Muslim emirates of the Caucasus in the 1830's. The great Chechen leader, Imam Shamil, lead a magnificent, 29-year resistance to Russia's armies. The Chechen were finally overwhelmed by Russian numbers. But they rebelled anew in 1863, during the Polish revolt. In 1877, after which Russia slaughtered 60% of the total population. In 1917, and in 1920.

No people anywhere on earth fought so long or hard against tyranny and colonialism as the Chechen - and none has suffered so much. Stalin attempted genocide by sending almost the entire Chechen nation to the Gulag, including the parents of the current leader, Dzhokar Dudayev, and those of the renowned mujihadin commander, Shamil Basaev, a true `saif ul-Islam' (sword of Islam). A few Chechen survived.

Their offspring, the children of the concentration camps, are now fighting Russian rule.

Bloody battles raged in Chechenya all this week. Chechen mujihadin seized two major cities and held them against the full might of massed Russian firepower. Moscow poured more troops, tanks, guns and aircraft into Chechnya - so far, to no avail. But how long can a few mountaineers, no matter how valiant and fearless, fight mighty Russia, with 149 million people and the world's second largest ground forces?

The world turns its back on Chechenya. President Clinton gave Moscow a free hand in Chechenya, in exchange for Russian acquiescing to the farcical American invasion of Haiti. No one wants to anger Moscow by supporting tiny Chechenya. Not even Islamic nations, who have totally ignored the Jihad in Chechnya. The nearby Turks and Iranians are so frightened by Moscow they dare not supply the Chechen even a few bullets. The Chechen's sole source of arms and supplies are those captured from Russian forces.Ô `independent' Georgia and Azerbaijan, to cut off any potential supplies for the mujihadin. Anti-insurgent techniques perfected in Afghanistan, where the Soviets slaughtered 1.5 million people, are being used again in Chechnya.

What can the world do? Cut off all financial and technical aid to Moscow. Boycott Russian exports of oil, vodka, and raw materials. Arm the Chechens. Keep denouncing Russian atrocities until Moscow is compelled by world outrage to leave Chechnya -just as it was finally forced to quit Afghanistan.

In Chechnya, `democratic' Boris Yeltsin and his generals are committing crimes worthy of Josef Stalin. The world's silence is shameful and sickening.

copyright Eric Margolis 1995


Eric Margolis, c/o Editorial Department, The Toronto Sun
333 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 3X5
Fax: (416) 960-4803 -- Press Contact: Eric Margolis

Russia On Autopilot, Muslim Genocide Continues

by Eric Margolis © Eric Margolis

With Yeltsin currently hospitalized and incapacitated, all the world wonders who is master of Mother Russia? The answer is no one. Like one of those notoriously accident-prone Aeroflot planes - known in the airline trade as 'Aeroplop'- Russia is flying through increasingly rough weather on a broken autopilot.

Russia's Asian neighbors also have stealth rulers. China's red emperor, Deng Xioping, has been invisible for years and may not even be alive. Weird North Korea is run by Kim Jong-il, a shadowy, eccentric figure who is rarely seen. Even then, surgically-altered doubles often stand in for him. This allows Kim to stay tucked away in his palace, watching movies on his home entertainment system.

At least China and North Korea have functioning governments. Russia's squabbling, fragmented regime operates only intermittently. In fact, Russia has become what the Ottoman Empire was called a century ago: 'the Sick Man of Europe.'

Russia bears uncanny similarities to the dying Ottoman Empire: ramshackle government rotted by corruption; demoralized army; entrenched bureaucracy fighting for its privlidges; rebellious provinces; and economic anemia.

Coincidentally, on 04 August 1996, the remains of Enver Pasha, one of this century's most colorful figures, were reburied with pomp in Istanbul, Turkey. Enver, who was of Albanian origin, became leader of the Young Turks, a group of army officers who seized power before WWI from the sick, aged Sultan, and attempted to revitalize the moribund empire.

Enver eventually lost out to his rival, Mustafa Kemal - Ataturk. In the 1920's, the fiery Enver embarked on a crusade to liberate the Turkic peoples of Central Asia from Soviet rule. He died flamboyantly in Tajikistan, in August, 1922, leading a cavalry charge against Soviet machine guns. Soviet secret police long concealed the site of Enver's grave, fearing it would become a shrine for Muslims resisting communist rule.

When I began writing three years ago about the Chechen people's seemingly impossible struggle to regain their independence after 250 years of savage Russian colonial rule, few people had ever heard of the tiny Caucasian nation of 1.2 million fierce mountaineers. Chechnya, then unknown and unlamented, was only worthy of a few, back-page lines. Newspaper editors used to dismiss reports from such remote places as 'Afghan stories' - at least until the once obscure Afghan struggle against Soviet invasion finally defeated the Red Army and led to the collapse of the mighty Soviet Union. In Chechnya, Russian generals openly contradicted their president, declaring the war would go on 'until all the Muslim bandits are killed.' Russia's military continued its scorched earth campaign, using heavy artillery, rockets and bombs to pulverize any Chechen village, town or city deemed 'unfriendly.'

When the Soviet Union broke up, Chechnya declared independence. The world failed to recognized the little nation, though its people probably suffered more from Russian savagery than any other on earth. In 1944, Stalin sent 75% of the entire Chechen people to Siberian concentration camps. For the past 250 years, Russia resorted to genocide to crush attempts by Chechen to regain their independence.

After Chechen fighters routed a KGB invasion force in mid-1994, whose goal was the overthrow of President Dudayev, Moscow sent in the Russian Army in December, 1994. Since then, Russian forces have killed 40,000 Chechens and laid waste the country. Two thousand Chechen 'disappeared' after being arrested by KGB and Interior Ministry units. Human rights organizations accuse Russian forces of mass executions, bloodthirsty reprisals, and widespread torture.

Predictably, perhaps, Clinton keeps supporting Russia's criminal war in Chechnya. He personally rammed a new, USA $10.2 billion loan for Yeltsin through the IMF, half of which will go to pay for the war. Clinton even publically endorsed the war, saying that he backed Russia's need to 'maintain its territorial integrity.'

In March 1996, US Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced in Moscow that US-Russian relations were 'excellent,' - at the very moment Russian forces were exterminating large numbers of Chechen civilians. While Clinton anguished on TV over terror attacks that left 63 Israelis dead, he remained mute over Soviet terrorism in Chechnya that killed 600 times more civilians.

The respected Georgian writer, Melor Sturua, a columnist for the leading Russian newspaper, 'Izvestia,' wrote recently of America's disgraceful silence over Chechnya: 'I remember a time when the arrest of even one Soviet dissident would create a storm of indignation here(in the US). Soviet embassies were picketed, Soviet goods boycotted, Soviet crimes were condemned.' Congress imposed trade sanctions on the USSR to force it to allow Jewish emigration to Israel. Today, after Russia slaughters 42,000 Chechens, Washington gives Moscow USA $10.2 billion.

In Afghanistan, as I experienced firsthand, Soviet forces targeted and hunted journalists. They wanted to commit their crimes in the dark. Russia follows the same policy in Chechnya: reporters are banned or threatened. Of 42 serious attacks against Russian journalists last year, half were believed to have been the work of the Yeltsin government. Many victims were harsh critics of the Chechen war. In Chechnya, Moscow is using the same terror tactics I saw in Afghanistan: promotion by KGB of 'ethnic turmoil' among different tribes and local leaders. Threats and intimidation, followed by selective assassinations. If these fail, mass destruction of civilian areas, poisoning of fields and water, slaughter of livestock. Mass reprisals and acts of terror, then wholesale genocide.

A campaign of state-directed racism warns the Russian public that all Chechen are 'bandits,' and 'Muslim terrorists.' Traditional Russian hatred of Muslims is relentlessly whipped up, aided by the many KGB agents within the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church. The new KGB director, taking a page from Dr. Goebbels, recently declared, 'The Chechen can only be a murderer, a robber, or at least a thief.'

Now, the new Sick Man of Europe also has its Young Turk, He is retired general, and now national security supremo, Alexander Lebed, who this week was dispatched by the invisible Tsar Boris with orders to do something about the widening disaster Chechnya.

Yeltsin was following a 200-year old Russian tradition. Whenever fierce Chechens rebelled against Russian colonial misrule and sliced Russian occupation armies into shaslik, the Tzar would send down a plenipotentiary general to sort out the mess. The new supremo would fire incompetent Russian commanders, hang some recalcitrants, lay fire and sword on Chechen civilians, then sign a peace deal with Chechen leaders that no one expected to last very long.

In trying to resolve the mess in Chechnya, Lebed must contend with the Russian Army, and the KGB. The KGB began the war against Chechnya, and remains its strongest advocate, supported by the powerful Interior Ministry, which has its own field army. The Russian Army, with a deep, Afghan-induced aversion to guerrilla warfare, was forced to participate by the thuggish defense minister, Gen. Pavel Grachev.

However, the Army kept its best troops out of the war - units like the Tula and Ryazan paratroopers, or Moscow and Smolensk Guards tank divisions, fearing these crack offensive formations - which are tasked against Europe - would become bogged down in the Caucasus. Moscow threw in Interior Ministry troops, KGB death squads, and B category troops, some little better than the Ottoman Army's infamous cannon fodder, the 'bashi-bazouks.'

Though well-armed, the Russians are poorly led and deeply demoralized. Artillery and air power are assigned the task of blasting into dust any Chechens who resisted Moscow's diktat.

So Young Turk Lebed must now try to make peace with the Chechens, while fending off KGB and allied hardliners in Moscow who want to pursue the war 'a outrans.'. A Russian defeat in Chechnya could prove Lebed's Waterloo - a result earnestly desired by his many rivals.

But a settlement, hard as it may be to imagine, could do for Lebed what the victory at Rivoli did for Napoleon: propel him into power in Moscow. One of Lenin's deepest fears, the threat of Bonapartism, hangs over the Kremlin.

As Yeltsin's health deteriorates, would-be successors are positioning themselves for the inevitable power struggle. Yeltsin might still do an Ivan the Terrible, rising from his death bed, to smite all those who dared aspire to his throne, but that's unlikely.

Look for a bitter struggle between Prime Minister Victor Chernomyrdin, supported by the energy, heavy machinery and military industrial barons; the armed forces, tentatively backing Lebed; the KGB (renamed SVR), now allied to the Foreign Ministry; Chief of Staff Anatoly Chubais and his coterie of powerful bankers and business moguls; assorted mafias; Yeltsin's Kremlin entourage; and communists, baying in the wings.

That's just in Moscow. The rest of Russia's vastness is ruled by a dizzying collection of warlords, chieftains and local nabobs - quite like the old, decentralized Ottoman Empire. Trying to manage this unwieldy geographical and political immensity consumes all the Kremlin's energies. The last, unfortunate Ottoman Sultans had the same problem with their decaying empire.

The last Sultans, at least, took solace in their harems and hookahs. Poor Boris Yeltsin has only Mrs Yeltsin and his dubious doctors.

Europe winks at Russian genocide - as it did at Serbian genocide in Bosnia. Muslim nations again do nothing. Malaysia even goes ahead and shamelessly buys Russian warplanes. Claims by Moscow and the Clinton Administration that Russia faces national break-up if Chechnya is allowed independence are nonsense.

Save for handfuls of other subject Caucasian peoples on Russia's southern edge, like Ingush, Cherkass, and Daghestanis, Russia's other autonomous-minded regions, like Tatarstan or Yakutia, are deep within Slav territory. It's time for the west to tell Russia: Stop your crimes in the Caucasus. Set the Chechens free.


Chechens Pay for Putin's Rise, Yeltsin's Immunity

Russians may use vacuum bombs and chemical weapons

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Chechens are paying a high price for Mr. Vladimir Putin's rise from obscurity to Acting President of Russia, and for his grant of immunity to former president Boris Yeltsin who was being investigated on charges of corruption.

A series of bomb explosions in Moscow, and other Russian cities, last summer was the beginning of Putin's rise to power and popularity. Until his appointment as Prime Minister last August, according to the BBC (Stephen Mulvey, "Vladimir Putin: Spy Turned Politician," January 1, 2000), "he was a little known figure who had spent most of his career working for the Soviet security service, the KGB, including several years as a spy in Germany. In a matter of weeks he had become the most popular politician in the country, and by the end of the year, the acting president."

According to the Economist (Editorial, January 8, 2000), "No clear evidence has yet been found for who was responsible for those bombs, and no one has claimed responsibility." But, says the Economist, given the huge benefits that Putin, and the security forces in general, have gained from those tragedies it would be foolish to rule out Putin's role in the bombing.

Indeed, the Independent (Helen Womack, "Russian Agents 'Blew Up Moscow Flats'," January 6, 2000) has obtained a videotape in which a Russian officer, Lieutenant Galtin, captured at the border between Dagestan and Chechnya while on a mine-laying mission says, "I know who is responsible for the bombings in Moscow (and Dagestan). It is the FSB (Russian security service), in cooperation with the GRU, that is responsible for the explosions in Volgodonsk and Moscow."

This confirms what Dr. Aslambek Kadiev told BBC ("A Chechen View of Russia's War," December 26, 1999) a few days earlier. Said Dr. Alambek, "There are two main reasons for the two wars which Russia has launched against Chechnya. The first is economic: Russia wants to control the Caucasus oilfields and pipeline routes. The second is connected with the political situation in Russia, and particularly inside the Kremlin." Dr. Kadiev explains, "The political purpose of the first Chechen war was to increase Boris Yeltsin's popularity and get him re-elected president in 1996. The main aim of this second war is to ensure that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a former spy and President Yeltsin's anointed heir, becomes president at the next elections. The apartment bombings in Russian cities early this year were used by Russia to justify its invasion."

Boris Yeltsin stunned Russians by announcing his resignation and saying elections will be held in 90 days for a new president. According to the Associated Press (Barry Renfrew, "Yeltsin Resigns, Turns Over Powers," January 31, 1999) "Yeltsin said he was stepping down immediately because he wanted Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to succeed him. Putin then signed a decree offering Yeltsin immunity from prosecution, a lifetime pension, a government country home and bodyguards and medical care for him and his family."

According to the Washington Post (Sharon LaFraniere, "Yeltsin Is Linked to Bribe Scheme," September 8, 1999), a Swiss investigation uncovered evidence that "a construction company that received major Kremlin contracts paid tens of thousands of dollars of bills charged to credit cards in the names of Russian President Boris Yeltsin and his two daughters," Yelena Okulova and Tatyana Dyachenko. And this may be just the tip of the iceberg.

About $100 billion to $150 billion has fled abroad since 1992, according to Russian and Western estimates (David Hoffman, "Russia's Cash Flow Flows Out," Washington Post, August 29,1999). "Russian general prosecutor, Yuri Skuratov, had threatened to reveal the identities of what he described as high-level government, officials with Swiss bank accounts. They had been examining how the foreign currency earnings of the national airline, Aeroflot, were reportedly channeled into a Swiss company believed by the investigators to be controlled by tycoon Boris Berezovsky."

As long as he remained in office, Yeltsin was immune from prosecution. But with presidential elections scheduled for next May, Yeltsin had three choices -- flee the country, choose a sympathetic successor, or declare a state of emergency, canceling the elections. Vladimir Putin, his hand-picked successor (or self-appointed successor -- some say Yeltsin was ousted in a coup d'etat), granted immunity and more to Boris Yeltsin.

The Chechens, who are paying with their lives for the Yeltsin/Putin "Wag the Dog" war, have endured 250 years of brutal Russian occupation. About one-quarter of them perished during forced exile by Stalin in 1944. Since the recent Russian war on Chechnya, an estimated 200,000 Chechen refugees have fled to Ingushetia. About 3000 have been killed, and 10,000 wounded. And 40,000 remain trapped in basements in Chechnya in sub-freezing temperatures.

Now, according to the London Times (Alice Lagnado, January 8, 2000) "Russia may resort to more powerful weapons to end a war that is going badly. Vacuum bombs could bring the fighting to a speedy end. Russian forces may also be considering the use of chemical weapons."

The U.S. attitude toward the Chechens was summed up in statements made by Madeleine Albright, and Lawrence Eagleburger.

Said the Canadian columnist, Eric Margolis ("U.S. Aids Russia's Crimes in the Caucasus," Toronto Sun, October 12, 1999), "In Moscow, standing next to her beaming Russians hosts, US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright proclaimed 'we are opposed to terrorism' - meaning Islamic rebels in the Caucasus fighting Russian rule. She said nothing about Russia's blatant violation of its 1996 treaty that granted Chechnya de facto independence. She made no protest over Moscow's egregious violation of the 1990 CFE [Conventional Forces in Europe] Treaty, the most important east-west arms reduction pact, by moving large new forces into the Caucasus."

And on a recent PBS "Newshour with Jim Lehrer," former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger rationalized Russia's genocidal war on Chechnya, saying, "They're not very nice people."


Cheaply flows the blood of Muslims

By Zafar Bangash

Not only Muslim blood but even Muslim honour is cheap. One only has to glance at the world from Indonesia, Chechenya  to Morocco and all places in-between for confirmation. The death toll is so horrendous that it defies description.

If the earlier decades were bad, the nineties have been worse for the sheer magnitude of slaughter of Muslims. Although Bosnia-Herzegovina clearly dominated the news in the last few years, its 300,000 deaths, mostly Muslims, were nothing unusual. Muslims have been killed, maimed, raped and humiliated in equally large numbers elsewhere.

This is not to belittle the suffering of the people of Bosnia. Europe - yes, the cradle of western civilization - witnessed concentration camps again since the second world war; and also ovens. Although not gas ovens this time, the net effect as far as its victims were concerned, was no less brutal. Muslims were burnt alive in smeltering plants all over Bosnia. The perpetrators were Serbian Orthodox Christians.

People in the 'civilised' west work themselves into a frenzy if their favourite cat or dog is mistreated, not only remained silent but when the existence of such camps was discovered, their politicians simply took refuge behind blaming 'ancient hatreds' for the genocide. Why such passions were suddenly aroused to target a specific group of people - the Muslims - was never explained. And if this was all based on 'ancient hatreds', why is it that only one side - the Serbs - was doing the killings and not the other - the Muslims?

This was capped by imposing an arms embargo on the Muslims leaving them totally defenceless. Surely, this was not the result of ancient ethnic hatreds, or was it? The west's only concern was that the Serbs were not doing the job of finishing the Muslims efficiently. After a three-year bloodbath, there were still enough Muslims left in Bosnia to continue to resist. The real failure in Bosnia, from the west's point of view, was that the Serbs had not been able to wipe out all the Muslims, even if they came close to doing so.

Bosnia, however, is not the only place despite giving the world such exotic phrases as 'ethnic cleansing' and rape camps. These sound so mechanical; all emotion is drained out of them. Clearly, impure things have to be cleansed out. At a stroke, the Muslims were not only declared unwanted but they were also branded as 'unclean' to be flushed out of the land. Never mind, if their women were still raped despite enough Sebian women being available and willing for the job.

The Serbs are not the only ones to have indulged in such bestiality. The white Americans are equally guilty of this. African-American men are despite; they are branded as criminals, shot at and jailed, but their women are covetted. This has gone on for centuries.

Rape as a weapon of war, however, did not originate with the Serbs. The Hindu occupiers of Kashmir had started it much earlier. The slaughter of their young men was not enough. The Kashmiri women had to be dishonoured too. According to the most conservative estimates, at least 50,000 women have been raped in Kashmir, matching the numbers in Bosnia.

>From Kashmir we can go on to Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Chechenya, Azerbaijan or even Mindanao, in southern Philippines. Wherever there are Muslims, it seems there are massacres. In Palestine, thousands of Palestinians - Muslims and Christians - have been killed. Had Muslims killed a few Christians, all hell would break loose. If the zionists do the killing, then it is all right. Palestine also offers the largest number of refugees confined for the longest period in camps. There are perhaps as many as three million Palestinian refugees scattered across the Middle East.

In Lebanon, the Israeli invaders have slaughtered more than 40,000 civilians. When the relatives of these victims defend themselves, they are immediately branded as 'terrorists' and the western media are there to spread it to the whole world. It is considered legitimate to blow people to pieces - children, men and women - so long as it is done from a safe distance in the air or with long range artillery. It is all very sanitized and civilized. It is terrorism if civilians want to fight the Israeli military with small arms or with roadside bombs.

In Chechenya, the Russian invaders killed more than 80,000 people - most of them civilians - in a war that lasted 21 months (Chechenya's total population is barely one million). In Kashmir, 60,000 people have been killed since 1990. Add to that 200,000 killed in the Philippines, 500,000 in Iraq during the brief war in January 1991 and another 100,000 in Azerbaijan and one gets the picture.

It is in Iraq, however, where the genocide of children is going on at the behest of the US. Nothing would satiate the appetite of the Americans. A million children starved to death is a small price to pay for American megalomania. Blame it all on Saddam Husain. True, he is a monster, but he is the west's own creation. For the sake of one man, kill a million children. Perhaps, in a year's time, another million children would be dead.

As long as pictures of emaciated Iraqi children with extended bellies are kept out of the view of television camera and therefore, away from the living rooms of American families, Uncle Sam can continue with his genocide. After all, these are Muslim children and there are, in any case, too many Muslims in the world. They are all 'terrorists' who must be killed without mercy.

This is the logic of the 'civilised' leaders of the world.

January 16-31, 1998



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