Welcome to the Site on Uganda for Expatriates

The family and friends of Ugandan Asians/African residents and expatriates displaced in 1972 exodus home page.

Scope amd Mission

 Ugandan Asians - Expat-Ugandan/British in UK (Articles & News)

Uganda News 

Other News and Past articles

 UK Asian Music - Music

Humour - Humouristic artcles

Past General Interest Articles GAMA the Wrestler

 UK Page - General interests (recipes, movies, useful links)

African-Asians Worlwide (USA, Canada, NZ, South Africa)

UK Links (General and world)

Books written about Uganda (Africa and Asia)

UG Page -General and economic information on Uganda

UG Page - Discover some of Uganda's Historical Sites

Links Page - Further info on Uganda and Africa.

Medical and Health News - News on health

People trying to locate friends or relatives


East Africa-related Family Albums

Remembrance Page

Uganda and cultural events

Readers Comments

General Idi Amin Dada History

Photographic history

Kutchi Community in Uganda - Temp on hold

Discussion Forum - Temp on hold


Near Nabushanke equator early 50's (above) and Virmani brothers early 70's (below)


 Forum for Ugandan and East African Expatriates in Britain and World-wide who would like to recount their history prior to and after the 1972 exodus

33rd Anniversary since leaving Uganda 

Remember our beloved from Uganda no longer with us.



The Uganda Forum initiative of Asian African European diaspora for a better world society (BWS)

song "Malaika" with translation

AASimage test

Other Interesting Social and Culture sites

Association of Art and Science, Rome, Italy

(in English)

(In Italiano)

Classic Cars

Future Transport


Scope and Mission

Welcome to the home of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation of Ugandan Asian and African expatriates in Britain and world-wide. In 1972 approximately 70,000 of us with our parents and grandparents were forced into a refugee status and told to leave Uganda within 90 days.

In the past 30 years very few have returned and most of the older generation originally from Uganda evolved and adapted to the stresses and cultural ways in the new countries. Indeed, it is one of the most successful community in terms of integration into the social and business infrastructure of the host communities. The typical Ugandan expatriate came from a multicultural, multilingual, open and interactive backround with all the different cultures and doctrines with which they came acrossThey accepted the customs and practices of the local people, learning their language and cultural ways in a way making a symbiotic relationship (contrary to the views of Idi Amin) a tradition that the new generations willhopefully carry forward.

Mokoko Kutchi Community 60's 

We would like to hear from all the Ugandan Expatriates and create a database of the families that originally fled in 1972 and their experiences and history to date. Please write and send any relevant information (newspaper articles, pictures etc) to us, which will be used to create a historical database for the future generations.

Please participate with your views, articles and information contact:

 Prof Ashraf Virmani : ashraf@libero.it

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